Delta Team Expansion Announced for The Others: 7 Sins
The Others: 7 Sins’ Kickstarter is going strong thanks to you and so are the Sins’ forces. That’s why F.A.I.T.H. has called in more back up! CoolMiniOrNot, Guillotine Games, and Studio McVey have just revealed another game expanding optional buy to the Kickstarter: the Delta Team Expansion! The Heroes of the Alpha and Gamma teams just got some new friends, so the Hell Club better watch out!
Inside the Delta Team Expansion box, you’ll get 5 new heroes, 12 upgrade cards, 3 Hero dice, 5 Old Town tiles, 6 Corrupted Chef Acolytes, and 6 Corrupted Musician Acolytes! As you’ve noticed, this new expansion has a little bit for everyone, so even the dedicated Sins player will find it helpful. Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll get.
The 5 new Heroes include a Leader, 2 Bruisers, and 2 Snipers. Whether the bad guys are in their face or far away, the Delta Team is ready to deal with the threat. Along with the new heroes comes their new upgrade cards, offering new equipment to help beat down any monster in their path. Of course, these upgrades can be used with the other teams as well, so everyone benefits.
With new faces come new locations in the form of 5 new tiles for The Others: 7 Sins. The new locations include The Park, a place where heroes can relax and heal as long as they keep an eye out for monsters in the bushes; The Library, a place of great knowledge that heals mind and body; The Castle, an incredible location that offers one of each City Action but is heavily corrupted and under threat of constant flame; The Train Station, featuring extra turns, Orbital Strikes, and equipment leftover in lockers; and The War Memorial, a place that only offers an Orbital Strike and the memories of those lost in past battles.
For all you Sins players out there, you’ll be adding two new sets of Acolytes to your army. The Corrupted Chefs use their culinary powers to make Heroes sick, reducing their stats to zero for the round. And the Corrupted Musicians take musical warfare to the next level with their seductive melodies that prevent Heroes from taking voluntary Corruption without also suffering 2 Wounds!
You can add the Delta Team Expansion to the core The Others: 7 Sins game for only $30 while the Kickstarter campaign runs. But if you can’t back the project, it will be available in retail stores down the road. Thank you for the continued support!
For more information on CoolMiniOrNot games, click here.