Deadzone Veer-Myn: Your First Strike Teams
Veer-Myn present in a quarantine are typically the cause of trouble, though it is possible for smaller infestations to get caught up in a Deadzone for other reasons. Regardless of the reason for their presence, Veer-Myn are opportunists and survivalists. They are vicious when cornered, and will do anything to protect themselves or their Brood Mother.
In this article I will describe some general strategies associated with the Veer-Myn and lay out two strike teams that can be built from the Veer-Myn Faction Starter and Booster sets. Between these sets you can create a large and varied number of different strike teams, suitable to any combat encounter or opponent. Sharpen your claws and groom your fur, our lives for the Brood Mother!
Building your strike team
While Veer-Myn don’t boast the best stat values, they do tend to be faster than units from other factions. And while they don’t sport the cheapest units in the game, they are still plentiful enough to overwhelm most opponent’s ability to cope with them. If a fast-moving, vicious sea of teeth and claws appeals to you, keep reading.
In general, Veer-Myn excel at moving quickly across the table and overwhelming their opponents. Often this will be with a large number of weaker models, though there are notable exceptions such as the Nightmare and the Night Terror. Scour and Breakthrough missions are especially welcome to a Veer-Myn player as they allow him to leverage his faction’s speed the most.
Veer-Myn tend to have weapons with short ranges. Whether melee in nature, or a range of only a cube or two, a Veer-Myn player will often need to close the distance with his opponent to fight effectively. However, Veer-Myn have a plethora of powerful melee and short-ranged It Burns! weapons making them a terror to high-armor models and densely packed cubes.
Because of their speed and size, it is easier for Veer-Myn to stay in cover than some other factions. Other faction models may need to use sprint actions or move action command dice to reach the next spot of cover. Regular move actions will be more effective for the Veer-Myn player, allowing models to benefit from life-saving line-of-sight obstructions. Move action command dice further enhance your ability to close quickly. A Nightstalker that makes a sprint action and has a move action command dice played on it moves a total of four cubes, as much as a sprint action for many vehicles in the game. The Progenitor’s Surge army special could be used in addition, pushing the total distance covered to five cubes, and still triggers a fight if the model enters a cube with an enemy!
Don’t forget to take some items with you when you plan out your strike team. Ammo helps with the generally poor shoot stats of Veer-Myn models, while Smoke grenades can help your models advance in relative safety by blocking line-of-sight or creating cover. Frag grenades not only have a chance of killing enemy models, but also throw them around, pinning them at the same time!
Flood of Filth:
Progenitor – Chem thrower |
Leader | 34 |
– Ray gun |
Troop | 12 |
– Ray pistol |
Troop | 10 |
– Ray pistol |
Troop | 10 |
– Ray pistol |
Troop | 10 |
Malignus – Chem thrower |
Specialist | 18 |
Frag Grenade | Common Item | 6 |
Total | 100 |
Queen of Terror:
Brood Mother – Chem Staff – Claws |
Leader | 38 |
– Ray pistol |
Troop | 10 |
– Ray pistol |
Troop | 10 |
– Ray pistol |
Troop | 10 |
Night Terror
– Scythes |
Specialist | 26 |
Smoke Grenade | Common Item | 3 |
Smoke Grenade | Common Item | 3 |
Total | 100 |
If you fancy trying the Veer-Myn in Deadzone, then pick up the Faction Starter or Faction Booster – on Pre-Order now!
The post Deadzone Veer-Myn: Your First Strike Teams appeared first on Mantic Blog.