Deadzone Hobby Shots
Last week, we asked our Facebook followers to send us snaps of their Deadzone miniatures, and we got some great responses! Here are some highlights – if you’d like to see more, we’ll be adding an album to our Facebook page!

Enforcer by Melvin Cheng (scenery looks ace, too!)

Enforcer Faction Starter by Edgardo Picozzi

Plague Stage 3As by Andrew Robertson

Massive horde of Plague by GMorts Chaotica

Rainmaker Ripper Suit by Erasmus MusicCentre

Mawbeast Bomber (with countdown timer!) by Vincent Pascaud

Rebs Tactical Field Commander by Tatsuya Morikasa

Groguns and Sorak by Pathfinder Pete Kijek
Truly inspirational work – thanks to everyone who submitted photos! If you’ve been inspired, or if you’re currently working on painting some Deadzone minis, let us know in the comments below!