Deadzone and scenery – more resources and inspiration
I’ll admit, when it comes to the hobby, I’m most interested in scenery – there is something to me about setting and terrain that I really enjoy. I think it might be the writer in me.
So, today, I thought I’d share some of the stuff that first attracted me to Mantic – the Battlezones terrain and how it all fits with Deadzone.
Modular and customisable
The best thing about the scenery included in Deadzone, so that you might play your campaigns and enjoy the game, but it goes beyond that. Once you’ve played the first missions and scenarios, you can take your scenery apart (I’ve found a video by the Terrain Tutor for that).
Once you have, you can build something else!
Or you can magneitize it…
Some examples of exceptional scenery
We love featuring the exceptional scenery that appears in our twitter and other places, but I thought I’d show you some of the things that have really caught my eye, as inspiration

From Deathwatch Studios – More here!
So….for Fan Friday tomorrow, pop onto Facebook or Twitter, and tag us. You can post direct to the page, mention us or you can comment below with the link so we can credit you properly, and I’ll share them on FB/Twitter and the best can go into the community round-up.
Come enjoy our miniatures on our store and pick up a couple of new pieces today if you like! Wave 2 previews will hit soon, so you might wanna start getting ready for that.
And if you like, tell me what you’re looking forward to the most!