Cyber War Draft Starters and Draft Packs Are Now Available
Participate in Draft Play for Android: Netrunner
“What if there was only one corp? What if every feint and ruse and hidden agenda and false lead were only a shell game played by a handful of oligarchs? I believe this is the world in which we live. Now, tell me again, how deeply can you run those servers?”
–The Masque
Draft play for Android: Netrunner has arrived! Cyber War Draft Starters and Draft Packs are now available via FFG’s in-house manufacturing.
Anyone can run with a rig full of bleeding-edge tech, but how will you fare with a DIY assembly of hardware, programs, and breakers? With Cyber War Draft Starters and Draft Packs, you and your friends can test your skills in Android: Netrunner Draft Play, an exciting, alternate format of play.
Expanding Your Network
Draft play introduces a unique set of challenges to the Android: Netrunner experience, forcing you to build decks from cards that you select one at a time, without full knowledge of the available card pool. Accordingly, you’ll develop your own strategies for how to approach the draft. You’ll develop new deck-building strategies, and you’ll have to stretch and adapt to the format’s particular limitations as you and your friends test your mettle against each other with these draft-built decks.
For more about how Cyber War products allow players to participate in an alternative and exciting draft play format for Android: Netrunner visit our Android: Netrunner Draft Play description page.
What Do I Need to Play?
Each player participating in a Cyber War draft will need to bring three items: a sixteen-card Draft starter and two forty-card Draft Packs, one each for Corp and Runner. Alternatively, groups with even numbers may split so that half the players draft only Corp cards while the other half drafts only Runner cards. In such drafts, each player only needs the Cyber War Draft Starter and a single Draft Booster.
Draft Starters: The Cyber War Draft Starter is a fixed collection of rules and thirteen utilitarian cards that include a draft-only Corporate identity, The Shadow, and a draft-only Runner identity, The Masque.
These “Draft format only” identities are not legal in standard play.
These cards are all clearly distinguished from both the larger Android: Netrunner card pool and the cards in the Cyber War Draft Packs, allowing you to collect them after your games and prepare for your next draft. Because these Draft Starters are reusable, you only need one, no matter how many Cyber War drafts you play!
All draft cards are clearly identified by a new icon, and starter pack cards are further distinguished from draft cards by color.
Draft Packs: Randomized Cyber War Draft Packs for Corp and Runner are compiled according to a custom algorithm from a card pool of 169 cards called Cyber War. In the future, FFG may launch additional draft sets drawn from new card pools, each identified by a unique title.
To learn more about how Cyber War Draft Packs are created, visit the Android: Netrunner Draft Play description page.
All cards found in Cyber War draft products, except for those marked “draft format only,” are legal in standard tournament play as soon as they are tournament legal and released within the standard LCG format. However, because of variations in production color and card-stock resulting from our in-house manufacturing, players using draft cards in tournaments must sleeve their cards with opaque or art sleeves.
Plug in to the Next Frontier
How fast can you go from zero to zetabytes? Compile your cards and jack in to the exciting Cyber War draft format for Android: Netrunner The Card Game!
Pick up your Draft Starter, Corp Draft Pack, and Runner Draft Pack today!
Note: Android: Netrunner draft products do not serve as a replacement for the standard Android: Netrunner LCG® model. Instead, Android: Netrunner draft products allow players to enjoy the game through an additional format of play. Orders for products printed via FFG’s in-house manufacturing may take 10 – 14 days to ship.