Counterblast Challenge for July!
With the release of the Beta play-test rules for the second edition of Counterblast we are offering you a chance to win $100 in prizes from Bombshell Miniatures in July!
To enter the Counterblast Battle Report Challenge:
- Download the FREE Counterblast 2.0 Beta Rules PDF here
- Play a game of Counterblast!
- Post your Battle Report with photos to our Facebook Group – Counterblast DLX
We will pick the winner on August 1st and post an announcement!
We are looking for some cool painted models, or crafty table scenery, or most dramatic write-up. It’s up to you! Knock our socks off! But play some games, and enter as many times as you like. We’ll pick our favorite and award the winner with a gift certificate for the Bombshell web store.