Cosplay or to not cosplay….
The 2015 convention year is nearly upon us here in North America. The worlds of Deadzone and Kings of War are taking shape and where are you going with this you say. Well let me tell you, with the rich flavors of Deadzone, who wants to be a Plague Stage 1a, or a Rebel Commander with a sniper rifle? After the mini Kickstarter for Kings of War, who wants to be an Ifrit or a Succubi? That’s what we would like to know. If you got some Cosplay skills or if you just like to Cosplay, we’d love to see you at Adepticon, Gen Con or OrcCon.
Love to have a glass dome over your head? Grab a ray gun and get your Martian on! Put your costume together and get your game face on and come to any one of the conventions. Stop by the booth, get a pic with Ronnie bring it to Joe or Chopper and receive a special gift! Bring the worlds of Mantic to life! See you soon!