Community round-up week ending 4th May
Hi guys! Completely new feature on the blog that we’re giving a try, and if you’ve got anything you’d like to see, just let me know! For now though, I thought I’d share some of the great stuff going on in the community, starting with a look forward to the events that we’re setting up. If you’d like to see anything though, please drop me a line, or comment on the blog.
Coming events in the next few weeks
Obviously, we need to talk about the Open Day! May 17th, come join us at our new HQ, meet two new employees (me and Chris) and the rest of the team, play games and check out some great offers! You can see more at our blog post.
Wednesday night sees Boston Conservative club, Main Ridge West, Boston running some demos and more.
Next Saturday, in Falkirk, http://www.falkirkwargamesclub.org.uk/index.html is Carronade 2014, and Mantic will have some Pathfinders there, and we’re also running a Clash of Kings Regional, in Stockport on Saturday.
Next Sunday, Bognor Games Club Open Day is happening – more information can be found here.
And in Australia, we’ve got a great event running at Brisbane Independent Gamers – a KoW Open Day!
Weekly round-up
Last week, on the Facebook page, we talked about our first mini or game from Mantic, we shares some scenery shots and talked about some of the really cool things you can do with the Urban Quadrant, and we asked the community what they thought about painting techniques, and how they paint their minis and scenery.
We launched our American events page (run by Pat) and introduced all three new community support staff – myself, Chris and Pat.
On Twitter, we saw some great photos, talked scenery, and of course, shared news that was tweeted @manticgames
On the blog, we talked about Adepticon, our Open Day, and the now closed Warehouse, in time for our move. We re-open on 12th May! You can still of course order anything you’d like, but there will be no shipping until a week on Monday.
We’re also sending out news regularly in our newsletter – please do head on over and sign up for up to the minute news from Mantic! We’ve also got a great forum for our Mantic fans, and I’d love to talk to you on there too!
And now, over to you…
As the new community manager, I’m here to serve you guys, so I thought I’d ask what you’d like to see and help you make the most of your game. We want our fans to be engaged and enjoy their hobby, plus, I love nothing more than talking to other players!
“What do you want to see?” and “Is there anything you’d like to talk about?” Stick it in the comments below and let’s chat!
Would you like us to share images from fans? How would you like us to do so? Anything else you’d like to see?