Community round up – the Uk Games Expo Edition

Hi guys.  What a weekend!

Mantic was at the UK Games Expo with Titan Games, and we had a blast.  From sharing the game with people visiting the stall, to showing off some amazing scenery pieces, the stall was busy for the whole convention.  Let us know if you stopped by, and whether you grabbed a bargain!

Hot off the back of our 15k fan event, we’re really looking forward to running the next one!  Get in on it by sharing our Facebook page, and following us on Twitter – the links to all of them are at the bottom of the post, above the sharing buttons.

I was at the Expo with my family, and got some good shots of some of the stuff going on, though, due to the amount of people around the Mars Attacks demo, shooing them out of the way to get a few photos was impossible!

What do you think of these pieces of terrain?  My favourite is the larger sized radar dish, made with our scenery pieces!  (With thanks to Titan Games for bringing it!)


Coming events in the next few weeks

7/6/2014  – DreadBall tournament
Wargames Workshop, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

11/6/2014 – 15/6/2014 – Origins 2014 (Columbus OH)
Columbus, OH, United States

14/6/2014 – Clash of Kings Regional – Nottingham
St. Michaels & All Angels Church, St. Michaels Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG174GP

14/6/2014 – DreadBall Tournament
Dark Sphere, York Road, London, United Kingdom

On the Blog

This week, we invited people to join our rules committee, showed off a new Battlezones video, invited you to blog for us, reminded you about IronWatch, a fanbased project to share all sorts of Mantic related great stuff,  and invited YOU to come see us at the UK Games Expo.
Here’s the video again, just in case you missed it!

On the web…

Facebook was great this week, as was Twitter, and the #ManticFan hashtag has really helped me find some really outstanding pieces to share.
The Terrain Tutor is building some of our ruins for Help For Heroes, so please DO stop by and see him.
We shared an AMAZING Abyssal Dwarf by DeathWatch Studios, and had lots of great images posted on our Facebook and Twitter #Manticfan hashtags.  So much great stuff in fact, that I’m opening up our Pinterest page a little early this week and starting to pin them there.  Can’t get enough of great painting? That’s where we’ll showcase it from now on!

There were also some great images shared in the thread inviting people to submit.
Wanna take part next week?  Tag your image with #manticfan or tag US in the post.  It’s that simple.

And now, over to you…

I’ve been in post as community manager for a couple of months now and I’m DELIGHTED at the things you guys share on Facebook and twitter.  So much so in fact, that this week will see the launch of the new Pinterest page!  Be the first to find out about what we’re pinning by following us!
I’m here to serve you guys, so I thought I’d ask what you’d like to see and help you make the most of your game.  We want our fans to be engaged and enjoy their hobby, plus, I love nothing more than talking to other players!  You can follow our #manticfan Friday hashtag on Facebook and Twitter too, and share with us using that or tagging us/mentioning us in our posts.

Anything else you’d like to see?  Let me know in the comments!

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