Community Round-up, the teaser edition

What. A. Week.
This week saw the launch of Azure Forest’s limited edition and Ronnie cleared up some of the questions and comments surrounding all of that, including the fact that it’s strictly limited, so if you want one, grab it fast!
And then he teased something coming very soon – can you guess what it is? (answers may or may not be forthcoming in the comments of questions asked ;))

Coming events in the next few weeks

13/7/2014 -Stoke Challenge

Stoke-on-Trent, UK

19/7/2014 – The Capital Carnage Cup

Dark Sphere, 57 York Road, SE1 7NJ London, United Kingdom

27/7/2014Clash of Kings Regional – Evesham

Total Wargamer, Evesham, UK

 2/8/2014 – Claymore

Granton Campus of Edinburgh College, 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1QE

14/8/2014-17/8/2014 – GenCon 2014

Indianapolis, USA

29/8/2014-31/8/2014–   Games & Gearscon

Crowne Plaza London – Gatwick Airport, Langley Drive, Crawley, United Kingdom

On the web…

BRAAAAAAINS! #Mantic #zombie #undead #Legion #wargames @manticgames #Venezuela #Caracas #Warmongers

— Calabozo Criollo (@CalabozoCriollo) June 20, 2014


Prototype Azure Forest Pitch, based on FF Field’s pitch. This cardboard pitch is available as part of the Azure Forest Collector’s Edition boxed set or as a Separate pitch


Ep 148 is live! Detailed review of @manticgames #DeadZone and @thed6ghollywood is in the house!

— D6G News Feed (@TheD6Generation) June 22, 2014

And now, over to you…

This week, we’re all about Pinterest, and building up our page there.  We’d love to chat with you, share your models and more so get on over there, follow us and start pinning!

Stick your response in the comments below and let’s chat!

Would you like us to share images from fans?  How would you like us to do so?  Anything else you’d like to see?

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Remember guys, until June 30th,…