Mantic: Clash of Kings Week: Unit Changes
Welcome to the first of our blogs detailing the new Clash of Kings supplement.
During the course of this week, we’ll be going into more detail about the book. We’ll be investigating the new units, reviewing the formations, and interviewing the editor Matt Gilbert.
On today’s blog, we are running through some of the changes to existing units. Each year the Kings of War Rules Committee does a fantastic job of watching the meta around the world. Using results and army lists from tournaments throughout the year, they can spot the telltale signs that a unit is under or overpowered.
With this in mind for 2018, the Rules Committee has amended a large number of units (certainly a lot more than the previous edition). The units affected include:
Forces of Basilea – Sisterhood Panther Chariot and Abbess on Panther Chariot
Brotherhood – all units with the Inspiring special rule also gain the Valiant special rule
Dwarfs – Bulwarkers and Steel Behemoth
Elves – War Chariots and Noble War Chariot
Salamanders – Clan Lord, Clan Lord on Fire Drake, Fire Drake, Kaisenor Lancers, Tyrants, Ghekkotah Skyraiders and Battle-Captain
Forces of Nature – Naiad Heartpiercers and Sylph Talonriders
The Herd – Giant Eagles, Stampede, Harpies, Tribal Chariots and Great Chieftain on Chariot
Kingdoms of Men – Charioteers
League of Rhordia – Honour Guard and Halfling Iron Beast
Ogres – Chariots, Warlord, Captain & Army Standard Chariot Upgrades and Boomer Sergeant
Trident Realm (quite a lot for this army) – Riverguard, Riverguard Captain, Nokken, Depth Horror Eternal, Depth Horrors, Naiad Heartpiercers, Thuul, Thuul Mythican, Kraken, Siren [1] and Trident King [1]
Abyssal Dwarfs – Slave Orcs
Empire of Dust – Ahmunite Pharoah, Revenant Chariots and Ahmunite Pharoah on Royal Chariot
Forces of the Abyss – Molochs and Tortured Souls
Goblins – Mawbeast Pack, War-Trombone, Fleabag Chariots and King on Chariot
Night-stalkers – Fiends, Mindscreech and Terror
Orcs – Fightwagons, Morax, Krudger, Krudger on Slasher, Krudger on Gore Chariot, Gakamak [1], Godspeaker and Gore Chariots
Ratkin – Hackpaws and Death Engine
Twilight Kin – Darkscythe Chariots
Undead – Pharaoh and Vampire
Varangur – Gift of Korgaan, Fallen and Herja of the Fallen has now been replaced by Magnilde of the Fallen
Gargoyles – these have been updated in the Abyssal Dwarf, Forces of the Abyss and Twilight Kin lists
Of course, you’ll have to pick up the book to see the exact rules changes to each of these units. However, this should give you a good idea about the extent of the tweaks in Clash of Kings 2018.
The sorts of changes you’ll find are increases or decrease to nerve values (for example, the Fleabag Chariot regiments now have 11/13 nerve), new special rules (Slave Orcs gain the Vicious rule), speed increases (Gore Chariots are now speed 8), etc. We’re confident that these rule changes will ensure Kings of War remains competitive (and fun) throughout 2018.
So, there you have a very quick run down of the units that are being changed in Clash of Kings 2018. Tomorrow we’ll be looking at the new units that are being introduced.