Brush With Death AdeptiCon 2018
Allright, allright, allright! Continuing with my lateness, I have some pics from the first Brush With Death painting competition we held at AdeptiCon. I just want to say how proud I am at this community for turning up and putting in some great models for a great competition. We were able to almost fill two glass cabinets! Let’s double the amount of entries next year and force us to buy more cabinets!
Disclaimer: Lack proper space for photography lead to phone pics. Names of some of the winners were misplaced so apologies for that. Please comment if you see your entry and I will add your name. Sorry in advance, plans are in the works for next year for proper photography space.
So for the 1st annual Brush With Death we had six categories that you could have put an entry in. The six categories were Best Fantasy Single Model, Best Fantasy Unit, Best Fantasy Warmachine/Monster, Best Sci-Fi Single Model, Best Sci-fi Unit and Best Sci-fi Vehicle. Dreadball players/teams as well as Star Saga fell into the Sci Fi category with Dungeon Saga being in Fantasy respectively.
So here we go!
Best Fantasy Single Model
Best Fantasy Unit
Best Fantasy Warmachine/Monster
Best Sci-fi Single Model
Best Sci-Fi Unit
Best Sci-Fi Vehicle
Here are few of some other entrants that caught Ronnie’s eye.
Again let me just say thanks to everyone who participated in Brush With Death. Let’s start working on next years entries!
The post Brush With Death AdeptiCon 2018 appeared first on Mantic Blog.