Boo Booty Unboxing
I showed up to the office this morning with a wonderful surprise: new production samples from China!
This time it was the Boo Booty Box. Naturally, we immediately took lots of photos to share with you!
As always, though, business first—
Always Super Fulfillment
It seems there was a bit of confusion from last week’s update when I shared our first shipping notification from China. We are shipping lots and lots and lots and lots of product. That was just the first shipping notification of many to come so it was an exciting moment we wanted to share.
As of now we are still on track for the entire Always Super pledge to be shipped to our warehouses before Chinese New Year (CNY). Our warehouses will begin fulfilling pledges as soon as the product arrives no matter where in the world you are.
Due to variances in the amount of time it takes to ship from China to different parts of the world, fulfillment will not be happening simultaneously, but everyone will be getting their Always Super Pledge within the same window.
As an extra suprise, if you ordered the Dark Consul Everything Bundle, the contents of that pledge will also be headed your way. This is because the Everything Bundle was packed as an independant product in its own box, and is going to manage to be complete before CNY.
Wave 2 Fulfillment
Right now the projected schedule has Wave 2 finishing production and ready for shipment from China around the end of March. All of the models are already done, as is the majority of the print. When CNY is over the factory will finish the print, perform assembly, and Blacksmith items will be off!
Any existing stock ordered from the Soda Pop Store that you bundled with your pledge will ship with Wave 2. This is entirely to streamline the process of shipping. The vast majority of pledges will be completely fulfilled with the Wave 1 shipment. This is a huge undertaking and is a lot of product, tempered by the fact that it is bundled into relatively few boxes. Wave 2 will ship to fewer backers, but because every order is unique, based on the what each customer purchased individually, it will take additional time to pick and pack every order. This will help us make each Wave’s shipping as efficient as possible.
We will be able to provide firm dates on the second wave after CNY.
Boo Booty Time!
It’s so exciting and it’s almost here. We’re having ninja fights for who gets to take home our sample copy. I’m sure you’ll agree more cannot arrive soon enough!
Until next week, may you always roll stars and—