Blubot Masking Stencils New Designs!

The first official content update has just gone out for Blubot Masking Stencils Kickstarter Backers notifying them of the new designs that have been added from the stretch goals. It has been a lot of work, but things are progressing well. I’m very thankful for all the support so far, but I have some personal funding goals I’d still love to hit that I think are obtainable in the next two weeks. I still have lots of designs planned for the end of the campaign, and you’re welcome to make suggestions on the Facebook page!

What are Blutbot Masking Stencils?
BluBot Masking Stencils are a painting aid designed for use when painting scale models and miniatures. They are ideally suited for use with an airbrush, but may also be used with a sponge, spray can or dry brush.

If you’d like to see all the new designs, check out the Facebook page, or the kickstarter page. Here’s a small preview to give you an idea of what to look for. I’m hoping to have another design or two done in the next couple of days including numbers and letters in a couple of different styles.
