Black Friday Deals 2018 preview – Crazy Bundles!
It’s the most glorious time of the year! Black Friday is almost upon us. This is the day when we remember the birth of Crazy Bobby. We celebrate by eating fried chicken, drinking copious amounts of bourbon and hanging up decorations on our giant plastic moustache. Who can resist the look of happy children as they sit on the knee of a local Bobby in fancy dress at their nearest distillery and request what bargains they want to be hidden in their curly wig on Black Friday morning? It truly is a magical and special time for everyone.
After yesterday’s preview of some of the special offers Bobby has cooked up for the Mantic website, today we’re previewing some of the wonderful bundles that will be up for grabs from 10am on Friday. Remember, stock will be limited, so you’ll have to be quick.
We’ve got a great selection of ‘crazy’ bundles that will be perfect for Deadzone players looking to start a force, Firefight players want to bolster their faction or Starfinder RPG fans that want to add miniatures to their games. From Friday you’ll be able to get:
- Enforcer Crazy Bundle (4 Defenders, 2 Medics, 10 Pathfinders, 2 DOG Drones and 2 Clear Plastic Jetbikes)
- Plague Crazy Bundle (11 3rd Gens, 1st gen, 3 2nd Gens, 3 Plague Hounds, 2 Plague Swarm and 2 Teratons)
- Asterian Crazy Bundle (Overseer, 12 Cyphers, 6 Wardens, 2 Primes and 3 Sky Razors)
All of the above cost £14.99/€17.99/$19.99 each. To accompany the sci-fi Crazy Bundles, there’s also a Scenery Crazy Bundle that comes with five sprues of Battlezones scenery (mixing sci-fi and Red Brick terrain), plus connectors. There are plenty of ways to build this combo of parts, such as the mini factory Dave put together as a demonstration. Of course, the more you buy, the bigger the structure you can build. Crazy Bobby’s house is actually made from Battlezones scenery.
Talking of scenery – do you need some scatter for your sci-fi games? Perhaps you need some pieces for your Starfinder games? Well, great news because you can get a bundle of the Starship Scenery and Starship Doors for just £19.99/€24.99/$29.99.
Following on from the DreadBall Xtreme and DreadBall Second Edition offers we mentioned yesterday, there are also some team offers going live from Friday too.
- Matsudan Crazy Bundle – Matsudo Tectonics team, Blaine MVP, Kickstarter Exclusive Captains (Raiden, Frank Burke, Romeo Blue and Na’Huatl) and Kickstarter Exclusive Coaches (Fergus and Tracer)
- Cyborgs Crazy Bundle – New Eden Revenants Team, Blaine MVP, Kickstarter Exclusive Captains (Raiden, Frank Burke, Romeo Blue and Na’Huatl) and Kickstarter Exclusive Coaches (Fergus and Tracer)
- Yndij Crazy Bundle – Ninth Moon Tree Sharks Team, Blaine MVP, Kickstarter Exclusive Captains (Raiden, Frank Burke, Romeo Blue and Na’Huatl) and Kickstarter Exclusive Coaches (Fergus and Tracer)
- Neobots Crazy Bundle – Draconis All-Stars Team, Blaine MVP, Kickstarter Exclusive Captains (Raiden, Frank Burke, Romeo Blue and Na’Huatl) and Kickstarter Exclusive Coaches (Fergus and Tracer)
All of the above will cost just £14.99/€17.99/$19.99 each. What’s more, it’s worth noting this is currently the only way to buy the Ninth Moon Tree Sharks and Draconis All-Stars without having to purchase the two-player starter set. You will need to get the Collector’s Edition rulebook for the stats though, but that’s on offer too. Hooray!
Finally, we’ve got a selection of much-requested items for Warpath that will be heading your way this Friday. Perfect for expanding your Warpath army or adding to your Deadzone reinforcements.
- Marauder Commandos – still need more Marauders after Orcy’s Mega Deal? This contains 10 Commandos and 5 Goblin Snipers
- Rebs Troopers – join the rebellion with 10 Rebs Human Troopers, 10 Yndij and 5 Sorak
- Plague Aberrations – why take 1 Aberration into the shower, when you can take 3?
- Forge Father Valkyrs – you asked, so we’ve obliged. Finally, you can get the Forge Father bikes without having to buy more Deadzone boosters. You’re welcome
- Marauder Raptors – seems like orc vehicles are popular at the moment, so why not get three for less than a fiver each?
Just like our other bundles all of the above are £14.99/€17.99/$19.99 each and we’ll have some bundles of the bundles that will save you even more money. Because Crazy Bobby wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tune in tomorrow for more Black Friday previews and remember, our Black Friday sale starts 10am (GMT) this Friday – November 23rd.
The post Black Friday Deals 2018 preview – Crazy Bundles! appeared first on Mantic Blog.