Battlezones Sprue Break-Down
The reception to the modular plastic Battlezones scenery tiles has been immense and we’ve been asked for a little more information as to what goes on each sprue.
Well, in response we’ve put together this page here, which shows you what you get as well as a brief description underneath each one as to what is on the sprue.
But that’s not all that’s in the Battlezones Hub.
We’ve also got videos on building your tiles and painting your constructions with Dave – check them out here!!
There’s a bit of Deadzone focus with these, but the principles are the same – you can build your tiles however you want, after all…
Battlezones Modular Terrain is now available for pre-order and will be released in May. Check out the pre-release Urban Quadrant, shipping in April, which includes 2 BONUS Ruin Sprues!