BattleScribe 1.14.06 Released on iOS!

This release brings the bug fixes from the 1.14.06 release on desktop and Android, along with the first layer of user interface updates. These are just initial changes to colours rather than a full blown layout update.

Considering the week long approval time for iOS apps, I thought it important to get the bug fixes out as soon as possible rather than holding things up. I’ll be following up very soon with a larger overhaul that will provide iPad support and a much improved interface – I’m hoping to submit this update in the next couple of days. After that it’ll be about a week before it’s approved and becomes available for download. Keep your eyes peeled 🙂

Here’s the change list for this release:

* User interface refreshed (more to come!)
* Improved error reporting when opening or creating a roster. It now shows you details of any selections removed from your roster and any problems with the data files you’re using.
* Fixed bug where root items with “hidden” modifiers would (nearly) always give errors.
* Fixed bug where roster points wouldn’t be updated if items were removed from your roster due to a data file change.
* Fixed bug where points/errors wouldn’t get updated in some cases.
* Bug fixes.
