By popular demand, we brought back starter Battleboxes, which contain a warcaster or warlock model as well as two warjack or warbeast models with all their customizable options, offering a more accessible entry point to WARMACHINE MKIV for new players.
Along with the release of these Battleboxes, we are offering a Recruitment Special for brick & mortar retail stores that would like to introduce new players to WARMACHINE MKIV:
Purchase four Battleboxes, in any configuration, and we will include a free Scenario Defenses pack with each one, a free magnet pack with each one and one free Bunker terrain piece for the store. That’s $171 MSRP in free items!
But we’re not stopping there! For player’s looking to grow their local community or ignite WARMACHINE play in a store for the first time, we’re offering an exciting bounty opportunity where players can get involved with organizing an event and receive a great reward in the process. Read on!
If you’re looking to grow your WARMACHINE community, boost the Battlebox Recruitment Event at your favorite local game store by organizing a Mangled Metal demo event, and we’ll send you your choice of a Mercenary Sky Raider or Sky Bomber model for free!
Here’s how it works:
- Print out or send a link to the Battlebox Recruitment Special information below for your local retail store and get their thumbs up that they’re interested in the promotion and would like you to run a Mangled Metal demo event.
- Fill out the Referral below and send to [email protected]. Privateer will then contact the referred store to confirm their order.
- After the game store orders the Battlebox Recruitment Special, we’ll send you an email to let you know. You can then post the event details to the community hub and any other social media you’d like to let people know about your event.
- When the order ships to the retailer, we’ll include your choice of a Mercenary Sky Bomber or Mercenary Sky Raider with your name on the package.
Depending on demand, please allow 2-4 weeks for the order to arrive when scheduling your event if you’re in the U.S. Allow six weeks if you’re outside the U.S.
Mercenary Sky Raider and Sky Bomber models will only be sent to retailers who purchase the Battlebox Recruitment Special and agree to host the Battlebox Recruitment Booster Event in their store.
- Work with your local retailer to let patrons know the event is going to take place so they’ll get signed up to order the Battlebox of their choice. Don’t forget to let players know it comes with a free Scenario Defenses Pack ($20 value) and Magnet Pack ($13 Value).
- Encourage new players to download the WARMACHINE app ahead of the event and let them know they’ll need to bring a few six-sided dice, a measuring tape and some tokens for focus or fury.
- The day of the event, plan some time to walk new players through building a 30 point force using the contents of the Battlebox.
- Impart your knowledge of WARMACHINE MKIV to the new players, getting them familiar with the basics of WARMACHINE in a 30pt Mangled Metal match.
What’s Mangled Metal? Simple! It’s a 1v1 match where each player brings a force made up only of their leader and cohort models — the contents of the Battlebox. Brawl and blast to the last leader standing on a 30” x 30” battlefield with a handful of terrain elements for cover. And don’t forget the power attacks — you know the drill!
Battlebox Recruitment Product Images with text
Battlebox Recruitment Event Referral
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