Avatars of War: Goblin King of the Labyrinth, Berserker Tyrant & Athlean retiarius

This February two new releases for Warthrone and one Arena Deathmatch.
aow83_blisterArmed with a net and a trident, in the image and likeness of his master Vatos, Athlean god of the seas, the retiarius is an elusive opponent, keeping a distance until entangling his victim with the net, defenseless now against the sharp prongs of his Athlean trident.
An Athlean retiarius is a great ally for any Cirlean band in Arena Deathmatch.
More details about Arena Deathmatch, our game of fantasy gladiators, here: http://www.avatars-of-war.com/eng/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=52
And now for Warthrone!
The first character for the Goblin army is here: a King of the Laow82_blisterabyrinth! The Goblins of the Labyrinth are definitely the most dangerous type of Goblin, and one of the greatest threat to civilization in Saga.
And the Legions of the Apocalypse get as well a new hero, a Berserker Tyrant. Berserkers of the Apocalypse are some of the most devastating units in Warthrone, but their ferocity is only matched by their indiscipline, so a Berserker Tyrant will be of great use to command them efficiently in battle.aow84_blister
More details about Warthrone, our game of epic fantasy battles here: http://www.avatars-of-war.com/eng/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59&Itemid=51