Arena Rex Development Spotlight I

Hi folks, Walker here with our first blog post that goes beyond the strict news and informational format we have been using so far.  We’ve been working on a content schedule for a while now in order to give you guys a little more insight into our design thoughts and process, and I’m happy to present the first entry in our spotlight series: Medusa.


Some of you may have noticed that our Medusa (along with the other Gorgon sisters) doesn’t exactly follow the established model of what themes are usually explored for her in games, film, and literature.  When we are designing a new character for Arena Rex we like to look at a couple of things before we even really get started and the first of them is “What is already out there?”

In the case of Medusa, the short answer is “quite a lot” and so we really wanted to take our time with this character and model and make it something special that adds a new wrinkle to the idea of who or what Medusa could be.

Read more on our blog…