Announcing 2015 Regional Championships
Retailers: Apply by February 6th to Host a Regional Championship
Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce applications for the 2015 Regional Championship season are now open! Apply by February 6th 23:59 CST (Central Standard Time) to host one of these premier events at your store.
If you are a retailer outside of the United States, please contact your distributor for more information and to apply to host a Regional Championship. International applications must be submitted before February 6th 23:59 CST (Central Standard Time) to be considered.
Regional Championships are your chance to create a community that spans beyond your town or city and the first big test for competitive players on their road to World Championship Weekend in November.
What Are Regional Championships?
Regional Championships are your chance to host a diverse array of passionate players and create a community that spans beyond your town or city. Players sometimes travel many hours to attend these premier events and compete for exclusive prizes, as well as a bye at the country’s National Championship. We encourage stores to add side events, additional prizes, or other creative ideas to make a player’s Regional Championships experience something to remember.
Regional Championships sit between Store Championships and National Championships in the OP calendar, providing a competitive atmosphere for those looking toward being crowned a National Champion while allowing local players a chance to compete for something more than title of Store Champion. In 2015, Regional Championships run from May 1st through July 31st.
After reviewing the 2014 Regional season, we have decided to expand the number of Regional Championships in 2015. Each region in the United States will now have up to three Regional Championships for each game. If you are outside of the United States, contact your distributor for more information on Regional Championships in your country.
What Games Are Supported?
Regional Championships are a major part of the Organized Play calendar each year. This year, we are excited to announce the addition of Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and Imperial Assault to the list of Regional Championships around the world. Follow the links below to see what’s included in each kit and apply to host a Regional Championship for each game.
- A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
- Android: Netrunner
- Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game
- Imperial Assault
- Star Wars™: The Card Game
- Warhammer 40,000: Conquest
- X-wing™
Are You a Player?
If you’re a player, you can do your part by telling your favorite game store about Regional Championships. If you’re interested in taking a more active role in bringing Organized Play events to your store, here are some other ways you can promote Fantasy Flight OP:
- Encourage your friends to join you and play at your favorite local game store
- Ask your favorite local game store if you can post a sign-up sheet for upcoming events
- Offer to run demos
- Check with your store to see if they are in need of a tournament organizer or judge
The exclusive items and alternate art cards included in these kits are only available at 2015 Regional Championships, so be sure to talk with your local retailer about applying to host a Regional Championship.
Apply Today
Retailers, apply today by completing the United States online application form for the chance to host enthusiastic players in your area. International retailers should contact their local distributor to apply. Don’t miss out! Regional Championship applications close February 6th at 23:59 CST (Central Standard Time).