Forward Observer: Alliance Scout from Icarus Miniatures

Greetings wargamers.

Icarus Miniatures here, with another concept to show you for our upcoming game, The Icarus Project.

Today, we’re looking at another Alliance unit; the Scout.

Alliance Scout from Icarus Miniatures


Scouts usually work alone, or in pairs, and are given some of the best equipment available. Many choose the Alliance Special Issue Sniper Rifle; the ASI:50. This 50 calibre rifle is capable of stopping almost any enemy. Given the right conditions, and right shooter, it can even be used to take down vehicles.

Scouts, like all Alliance group troops, wear a wrist mounted computer, used for communication, target information, location details, as well as a host of other features. These devices are heavily encrypted, and are fitted with a pulse monitor. Should the wearer be killed, or remove the device without entering a specific code, the data is erased to stop an enemy obtaining it. ”


The scoutis another unit that will be included in the Alliance starter set, along with the previously shown Trooper.

You can learn more about the Alliance Scout, and how it performs in-game, HERE


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Happy Wargaming!