Aetherium Funded!

Thank you everyone for all of your tremendous support and enthusiasm for Aetherium. We are absolutely thrilled by this response and cannot wait to bring you more and more and more. We have 9 days to go yet, so there is still time to really explore the space.

The Axiom Ministry has also been unlocked!

From this point forward all 12 schema tiles will be double-sided, which allows players to struggle across two distinct mindscapes in the Aetherium: from the riotous chaos of the Nanomei streets, to the austere technocracy of the Axiom ministries.

The Axiom Ministry is a very cool, very dynamic set of images done by the talented Grande Maestro aka Paolo Bertoncini. We are extremely excited to have these included in the Starter Box. Both of these sets really explore the extreme counterbalances found within Aetherial space.

We are also very close to the 150 backer goal as well as the 22,500 stretch goal. The Kickstarter is located right here.
