Adventure deeper into Mantica!
Good news folks! The Adventurer $1 Add-on only pledge level is now live. This makes it extra easy to get on board if you only want the add-ons.
Also, we’ve unveiled more on the Kings of War Global Campaign!
Our initial funding goal means a brand new rulebook for Kings of War. In it you be able to delve into the history of the world, and in turn many of its races, building a fantasy universe in which to play your games. You’ll have the second edition of the rules, streamlined and updated and new, upgraded army lists for every force, and you’ll get new art and photography to bring it all to life.
As you know, Kings of War is the project led by the gaming community, and we want to keep it that way. We were also asked to let the community feedback and shape the world, preferably through the games they play. That’s what the Wrath of the Abyss campaign is about…
The Necromancer Lord Mortibris has ascended using the wisdom of Valandor, torn from the pages of his own Tome. The terrible power unleased has sundered the very fabric of the world, creating a new outlet for the powers of the Abyss, spewing out the creatures of darkness to besmirch the world above. The good peoples of the world must unite in the face of this new threat, or face extinction.
With a working title of “Wrath of the Abyss” this book is a supplementary campaign for Kings of War. Whereas the mighty 2nd Edition Rulebook contains all your rules, army lists, hobby and history, Wrath of the Abyss focuses in on a particular storyline: a tale where your games will ultimately impact on the fantasy world we all fight in.
A story for the ages
Although weakened by the bravery of 4 heroes, a saga that denied him the cataclysmic ‘Book of Truth’, the Necromancer Mortibris has still managed to raise the great Undead Demon Lord Ba’al from his eternal rest and along with him demonic hordes and terrifying legions of the Undead. With the celestial Valandor returned, great armies of Men, Dwarfs and Elves rise to do battle and fight back against this world changing evil. Which side will you pick?
Fight incredible battles and interact with a global community
Whether at home, at your local gaming club or in the store of one of the thousands of gaming stores, no matter where you are in the world you can log the results of your battles in an online system, where the outcome affects the future of Mantica. Will cities fall? Will nations burn? Only your actions, and those of your fellow warriors, will decide.
This worldwide campaign is our next stretch goal – go here to find out more!
The Kings of War 2nd Edition Kickstarter is now on. It finishes at 11:59pm Monday 1st December – don’t miss it!