Mantic: AdeptiKHHAANNN Spotlight!
Allright, allright, allright! Here we are with Kings of War. Saturday at AdeptiCon will bring us AdeptiClash.
The Kings of War 2 day tournament at AdeptiCon. This will be a 2250 point tournament and will feature the new Clash of Kings 2018 rules supplement. The missions for each round will be announced day of the tournament prior to each game and will use missions from the core rulebook as well as the Clash of Kings 2018. If you haven’t gotten the Clash of Kings 2018 book, head the to the webstore and grab a copy now.
Registration and table assignments start at 8:00 am on Saturday so don’t forget to set an alarm. Winner of the AdeptiClash will get a spot at the Clash of Kings in September in Chicago. More on that to come soon but don’t miss out on winning one of the new Kings of War trophies!
So I guess I’ll be seeing you in a couple of weeks! I look forward to checking out all the awesome armies that are out there!