Adepticon Spotlight: Weekend Update!
Hey ho!
Adepticon is just 6 weeks away and are we getting excited. I just wanted to spotlight some events that we are doing at this year’s Adepticon.
This weekend we’re going to talk about Mechzone! Mechzone is the brain child of Mantic North America podcast’s very own Jonny P. This event is being run Saturday night during Mantic Open Night. It will be included in the ticket price. Striders, Stuntbots, and Iron Ancestors will be available for use so either bring your own or just come to play!
Mechzone is an 4 to 8 player scenario that pits all the various Strider configurations against each other with Stuntbots and Iron Ancestors thrown in. Each “mech” will be given a a small stipend of credits which they can use to buy extra gear. Battle will commence but once your “mech” is destroyed, it’s not the end of your go! Your pilot gets ejected and has one “mech bomb” in which he gets to run around the board trying to plant it on an enemy “mech.”
Various item crates will be scattered around the board to add to the fun. Last man standing will be the winner. Hide you might try but someone will always find you!
Game time looks to run around 45 minutes to a hour so this scenario will be run several times through out Open Night. If you’d like to learn more about Mechzone you can click the following link and see the rules and setup.
Don’t forget this event is available with the Mantic Open Night ticket purchase. This looks to be a fun event, so I’ve started working on my Stuntbot. Work progress pics! See you at Adepticon!