Adepticon 2014!
So another year at Adepticon closes.
What a convention this year though! Probably one of our best cons to date.
Battlezone Terrain seem to capture everyone’s attention. Many customers were glad to be able to get a hands on with the sprues and connectors and play around with it. So many people and not enough boxes of terrain. We literally sold out of all the boxes of terrain by noon on Sunday. Many were disappointed that they waited to grab a box. Dave from sales had a table set up with some extra sprues showing many customers different ways of putting the sprues together. A fair share of attendees were able to walk away with a cube of some sort.
Deadzone also had a great showing with the help of Pathfinder Kiel running demos. With Kiel doing demos and customers getting a discount if they did a demo, the boxes flew off the shelves. Quite a few faction starters were sold out as well as the core box set. Faction of choice I felt was the Marauders. That was the first faction to disappear off the shelf.
Dreadball too, was a big hit. Plenty of customers surprisingly were very new to the game but in the end after a demo with Pathfinder Guy, most ended up buying a deluxe set with an extra team or two. On a side note if you have a league for Dreadball going now or plan on starting in the near future, please feel free to post on the Mantic US Event page to promote it. Many a new buyer were looking for leagues in their area. Lets band together and help these people find homes for their teams.
Let’s talk about some of the events that Mantic put on.
Thursday afternoon was the 2nd annual Clash of Kings. 10 general squared off in a great event put on by Pathfinder Mike Carter. Pictures of the event can be found on the Mantic US Events Facebook page. A lot of close battles when I walked through the hall. I would like to extend a thank you to those who participated and a congratulations to all the winners. The winners are:
1st place: David Boll who played Dwarves
2nd place: Jeremy Gottschalk who played Basileans
3rd place: Mark Zielinski who played Abyssal Dwarves
Best Painted: Colin Zielinski with his Undead
Friday afternoon on the 16th floor was the 2nd annual Adepticon Dreadball tournament. With 16 participants, the competition was fierce. Before announcing the winners, I want to thank every coach that came to play! You guys are the best. Here are the winners:
1st place: Kris Vezner (Nameless)
2nd place: Lee Montgomery (Marauders)
3rd place: Dave Skrivan (Asterians)
Fan Fav: Guy Sodin (Corporation)
Most Brutal: Brad Sloan (Forge Fathers)
Best Painted: Levi Ott (Marauders)
If you missed out this year, don’t forget to sign up at next year’s Adepticon and if you’re going to be at Gen Con, May 1st event registration opens. Don’t miss out!
Friday night was League In a Night for the hardcore coaches. This event was basically to play a whole league in one night. While there was a room assignment mistake, Pathfinder Guy was able to get it going. 10 coaches managed to roust their team out of bed to have them take the pitch. I tip my hat to those that showed up. When you get chance head to the Mantic US Event Facebook page and check out Nathan Herron’s custom sculpted Terraton Ninja Turtles.
Saturday night was the Deadzone big game. 20+ factions on both sides of the tables here. Ronnie was impressed by the amount of models and terrain present. The battle lasted well into the night as any good battle should! Depending on who you talk to most would say the Corporation won, at least that is what the news is reporting….
The Deadzone big battle seemed to be a hit, that it will for sure be an event next year. Keep an eye out for it again!
Near the end of the convention on Sunday, Ronnie played in a charity game with Andrew Sherman. Ronnie played Dwarves and Andrew played Kingdom of Men with Basilean allies. The game was very back and forth with Ronnie racking up a loss at the end. There is a video recap from Ohiohammer posted on the Mantic US Events Facebook page. Take a couple of minutes and watch! Especially at the very end when Ronnie rolled the magic number.
Next up for Mantic is Gen Con! There are many Deadzone events scheduled throughout the weekend. There are hour long demos as well as a 4 hour, 4 player campaign on Friday and Saturday. These events are come and play, models will be provided. Also there will be the 2nd Annual Gen Con Dreadball tournament. Sign up quick, slot fill up very quickly.
If you happen to be at Gen Con, stop by the Mantic booth and say hi to Ronnie, Joe, Kiel or myself. We’d love to see you!