A Tale of Six Gamers: A Kings of War Blog.
Gamer #3: Todd Warren
As excited as I was to get to painting my new Dwarf army, I had to put them together first! This went very smoothly as most of the models were obvious in the manner in which they needed to be assembled. With the extra bits and pieces on the sprues, you could really have fun with some customization if you wanted! I used cyanoacrylate and an accelerator so there is virtually no dry time for the glue, but I only recommend this to mature hobbyists and it is to be done in a well ventilated area. I also spent some time removing mold lines and carefully trimming the excess flash the models get from clipping them off the sprue. This model prep work can be tedious, but really pays off in the end result. It should not be ignored or rushed.
After I got everything assembled, I needed to base them for priming and painting. My plan is to permanently multi-base the models so I stuck all of them to large popsicle sticks in threes and fours using a hobby quality white glue. This allows me to minimize the number of paint brush strokes as I assembly line paint dozens of similar models. When painted, I will glue them to already finished regiment bases.
Here are a couple of shots of my Dwarves on sticks and then primed shiny and chrome using a gunmetal colored spray primer. I will use this on all the dwarves except the Brock Riders who don’t have as much armor. The colored spray primer saves me loads of time picking out details of the armor and weapons.
I’m partial to blue, here are a couple shots of my test models, what do you think?
Since we decided to construct an 800 point army from the box set, and since you get SO MANY dwarves in the army box, all of my units will be full regiments, no troops. Luckily this fits well into my play style as I prefer the higher nerve a regiment gets over that of troop blocks. It’s a WIN-WIN situation for me! Let’s hope it translates to wins on the battle field! Next up, regiment bases and paint-paint-paint!!!
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