A Deadzone retrospective – Containment Protocols in effect!
We’re all about Deadzone right now, getting ready for Wave 2, so I thought I’d share some content from the days before I started with you about Deadzone (so I can catch up too!).
Unboxing, unveiling
The video title says it all…it’s a MEGA unboxing.
From the original post…. It’s an incredibly detailed look at the game’s contents (spanning over an hour!) along with some commentary on the game itself from Jake. It’s also Warren’s first look at the awesome terrain sprues, acting as a precursor to an upcoming video in which he and James build an awesome ruined building entirely on-camera – with no glue anywhere to be seen! Keep an eye out for that one, because it’s going to be a blast.
Once out of the box….
There have been a lot of great videos about Deadzone, so I thought I’d share a couple of the preparation ones – you can just dive in and make the game your own, but if you’d like a few tips, the following videos and articles are probably some of the best ones out there – though, if you’ve seen or made better, we’d love to see them in the comments!
Setting up a game gives you some of the best ideas to get started, and if that’s not enough, Ronnie’s done a quickstart video that everyone seems to enjoy. And of course, there’s a great in-depth look at Deadzone itself.
Painting and customising
There are a lot of videos and great groups out there converting and creating with Battlezones, and Deadzone has a generous portion to make your scenery with, and the ability to expand as it’s modular. Dave, our resident painter did two great videos about building and painting Deadzone, and of course, we share some great scenery every week during #Manticfan Friday. The things you can do with the modular scenery is almost endless, but to get you started, here are a couple of videos.
Once you’ve assembled some pieces, here are some painting tips…
And finally…Nexus Psi
Our first custom campaign and expansion for Deadzone is Nexus Psi.
From the five reasons you want to play – #5: It tells the tale of the death of a world.
For the uninitiated, Nexus Psi is the setting for Deadzone. It’s a planet out on the frontier of GCPS space, a colony that has fallen prey to a terrible disaster – and outbreak of the Plague. As a result it has been quarantined, its whereabouts wiped from all maps and navigational records, its existence all but denied by the Council of Seven. The Nexus Psi expansion tells the story from ground level, bringing a whole new perspective to your games of Deadzone.
So…this week, we’re talking Deadzone. I hope this has whet your appitite, and if you’ve got any questions, please do let me know.
And if you’ve got anything neat to share – just tag it (or us!) on Facebook or Twitter and I’ll make sure that we share with everyone under the #Manticfan weekend project. Best ones also get an honourable mention in our community roundup!
Remember – while the World Cup is going on, we’re doing special codes off, if your team is no longer in the event. Check the sidebar, or look for the pinned post on Facebook.