LARC Funded – Military “Talon” almost there…
Military Loadout “Talon” almost there..
The Military version of the Basic LARC comes with 3 primary weapon systems as standard;
Quad Missile System – Can be customised for Pilots choice of missile loadouts, to optimise for any mission parameters.
Koffin Dodger Auto Grenade Launcher System – when you have to lay down a lot of Hi Ex!
Mini guns mounted externally in either Fixed position slaved to the Pilots triggers or manually fired by crewmembers on a variable mount.
The LARC is funded, and the Talon is nearly there! We only need a small number of additional Backers in the next week to fund the other Variants.
- One of the primary ideas we had when we concepted this model is that all of the components can be mixed and matched together to create personalised Versions for the Players needs – i.e. you can take the Military Version, remove the Mini guns and add in the ELSA Saviour pods from the Medevac version to create a Military Rescue VTOL.
We will be selling many of the components separately post-KS, and have a few as addons during the Kickstarter as well – addons such as;
The 70mm Wide Rotor Assemblies are available to purchase separately! Useful for a broad variety of Conversions and Kit Bashing. Other addon parts will include the ELSA Pods, more Weapon systems and – in the near future, Pilots and Crewmembers for all Load outs and Variants.
- And, the LARC is just the first of the range! We have a number of other very cool flyers planned, but more on those in a later update..
This versatile Kit is ideal for many games – anything with a post modern Sci Fi feel to it!
Please back our Kickstarter! We’ve funded already but it would be great to unlock the Military, News and Medical versions and see what surprises we have beyond those..