Kings of War Edge of the Abyss Campaign – What are Formations?
Formations will play a large part in the Kings of War summer campaign and are a completely new (and completely optional) addition to the rules of KoW. As we were writing the Edge of the Abyss, we had visions of massive armies marching in great lines, the ground shaking as they headed to war. In order to bring this vision to life, the idea of formations was created.
So, what are formations? Well, they’re groups of units that, when taken together, receive a particular stat boost. The formation will have a set points cost (which you can see in the Edge of the Abyss book) and a clear indication of what units are part of that formation. When deployed, the units don’t have to stay in formation (i.e. within a certain distance of each other) and will get the bonus no matter if one is destroyed by the enemy.
For now, formations are only part of the summer campaign but, if there’s demand from the Kings of War community, we will look at working with the Rules Committee to expand them further and add more to the factions not covered in the Edge of the Abyss supplement. This mean you need to let us know via the Mantic blog or social media if you enjoy playing with/against the formations.
Although you’ll need to grab a copy of the Edge of the Abyss supplement to get the full rules for each formation, below you can see the various formations available. Also, make sure you head to the Mantic website, to grab these bundles with just one click and get a discount off the RRP.
Broken Slaves (left) – the Orcs in this formation gain the Fury special rule and a boost to their Nerve from the Slave Driver. Heralds of the Black Flame (right) – the Decimators in this formation gain Crushing Strength(1) and a boost to their Melee Stat.
Wall of Iron (left) – the Dwarfs in this formation gain the Iron Resolve special rule and the Bulwakers gain Crushing Strength(1). Herneas’ Hunting Party (right) – the Dwarfs in this formation have the Handpicked Rangers Upgrade, gaining the Elite and Stealthy special rules.
Holy Lancers (left) – the Knights in this formation have the Elite special rule. Shield of the Golden Horn (right) – the Men-at-Arms in this formation receive a boost to their Nerve Stats from the High Priest, who also Inspires them.
Honour Guard of the Green Lady (left) – the Elves in this formation have the Regeneration special rule. Kindred Borderguard (right) – the Elves in this formation have the Vanguard special rule.
Ahmunite Deadeyes (left) – Skeletons in this formation have the Elite special rule and can be Inspired by the Revenant Champion. The Dunestalkers (right) – Skeletons in this formation have the Vanguard special rule.
Fire Legion (left) – Succubi in this formation have the Vicious special rule and the Temptress is Very Inspiring to the Succubi. The Great Arch Host (right) – Abyssals in this formation have a boost to their Speed Stat.
Boulderguard (left) – Elementals in this formation have the Iron Resolve special rule. The Wild Hunt (right) – Centaurs in this formation have a boost to the Speed Stat.
Sneaky Stabbers (left) – Goblins in this formation have the Vicious special rule. The Voracious Mawpack (right) – Goblins in this formation have the Strider special rule and a boost to their Nerve Stats.
Gakamak’s Stubborn Savages (left) – Orcs in this formation have the Headstrong special rule. Thunderers (right) – Orcs in this formation have a boost to the Speed Stat.
Fury of the Sea (left) – Naiads in this formation have the Fury special rule. Thuul Tidal Scourge (right) – Thuul in this formation have a boost to their Speed Stat.
Ilona’s Thirstful Coven (left) – Vampires in this formation have the Fearless special rule. Rotting Retinue (right) – Ghouls in this formation have the Thunderous Charge (1) special rule.
All of these formations are available to order now from the website and we hope to see them playing a pivotal role in the Edge of the Abyss Campaign.
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