SLA Industries – Scavs spotted in the vicinity
Welcome to Cannibal Sector 1 – today we take a look at 1 of the Main Factions of CS1: the Scavs.
The first thing to realise about the Scavs is that they are MASSIVE, these guys are on 40mm bases and are Ogre sized – each Scav Marauder is around 37mm to his eye level, dwarfing the smaller Human sized miniatures. The Scav Patrol leaders – Pit Boss and Mr Chainsaw are even bigger, topping in at 42mm. they have an imposing presence on the battlefield.
Scav Pit Boss
- In game, the Scavs are an Elite faction – you won’t have a massive amount of them in your Patrol, but each 1 is a powerhouse of destruction and flexibility. A basic lineup of a Pitboss and a few Marauders is usually supported by a specialist – such as the Scrounger, Sniper or Flamer.
- A Pit Boss is an 8ft+ hulking juggernaut of a Patrol Leader, armed with choice of Chainaxe or Shotgun (with modelling options for both) he is highly capable on his own, and acts as a major buff for the Scavs under his command. However, for sheer killiness…
- Mr Chainsaw. Named by the Shivers, whom live in constant fear of hearing the sound of his signature weapon – a massive Industrial Cutting Chainsaw, normally vehicle mounted or wielded by Heavy Stormers – Mr Chainsaw wields it with contemptuous ease. He is pretty much one of the biggest beat sticks in the game and can wade through hordes of enemies! His sweep attack is horrendous, able to dispatch everybody around him (friend or foe) with 1 powerful attack from his 6ft Chainsaw!
- The rest of the Scav lineup is not quite as scary.. but you certainly wouldn’t want to meet them in a dark alley in CS1…
The Scrounger is the closest thing to a Scout that the Scavs field ; remarkably stealthy and silent for such a large being, the Scrounger excels in improvised bombs, mines and weaponry – as he infiltrates into position and carefully places his hand built booby traps. Many enemies often mistake the booby trap as a useless pile of scrap – common in CS1, its the last mistake they will ever make.
The Sniper shares many traits with the Scrounger, but as opposed to being armed with a series of weapons he chooses instead to dedicate himself to his custom sniper rifle – displaying deadly accuracy with this weapon system.
Some Scavs just want to watch the Sector burn..
Scavs on the battlefield
It is unknown whether the Scavs follow a set manifesto, or whether they simply exist within the ruins of CS1 – it is known however, that they are unified, focussed and deadly. Highly adaptable, every Scav can utilise the remnants of technology and scrap parts which can be found in abundance in CS1, they have an innate ability to reconstruct the parts that they find into a variety of Equipment and Weaponry – that they put to deadly use. One of the scariest psychological tools in the Scavs arsenal is that they never move quickly, they are methodical and logical in everything that they do – Mr Chainsaw, for example.. never runs.. but appears to simply eat up the distance in with a lumbering stride that carries him to his enemies far more swiftly than one would believe.
In game terms, not only are these guys exceptionally tough and flexible – but the average Marauder can repair his armour on the fly, with a range of fast-use Patches and seals. They can adapt their weaponry quickly and surprise an enemy with a longer range shot, or a rifle grenade. A well Lead Scav force is truly a scary sight on the battlefield – however, their low numbers can mean that the loss of even 1 or 2 makes the difference between Victory and Defeat. In many Missions and Scenarios they may struggle to achieve all of the objectives – and in playtest we’ve found that the Carrien Horde is a natural foil to the Scavs low numbers; the Scavs simply can’t get em all…
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Ok.. Mr Chainsaw is almost the biggest Beatstick in CS1..