TerrainCrate Kickstarter – check the progress so far!

We’re into the second week of the TerrainCrate Kickstarter and things are progressing very nicely indeed. Since we launched last Wednesday we’ve raised almost $300,000 and smashed through more than 20 stretch goals. But, just in case you haven’t been keeping track here’s a quick run down of everything that’s happened.



After kicking things off with the awesome wizard’s owl, we’ve been downing the stretch goals faster than a thirsty dwarf in a tavern. So far we’ve unlocked 26 new pieces, from a wizard’s desk to some crystals for an abandoned mine.

The latest stretch goal is a special $300,ooo bonanza to add a trio of pieces to the Guard’s Barracks. Hopefully, we’ll be crossing that one off tomorrow…


As the campaign progresses, we’re releasing sets as Optional Extras. This means that if you want a huge Abandoned Mine with metres of track, you can add them to your pledge for an extra $20 each. However, if you just want a particular set, then you can choose to ‘pledge with no reward’, add the amount required and then you’ll be able to select the Optional Extra you want in the Pledge Manager.

Here are the Optional Extras so far…



And all that’s before we’ve even reached a full week. We’ve got plenty more planned for the rest of the campaign and tomorrow will mark the first of our (in)famous Add-on Wednesdays… wonder what we’ll have in store for that?

If you fancy keeping track of the progress over the next week or so, then you can use one of the snazzy Kicktraq graphs, which shows all kinds of useful information and is something we regularly check during the campaign. It actually becomes quite addictive, so don’t blame us if you end up spending lots of time on it!
TerrainCrate - Plastic, affordable, fantasy terrain! -- Kicktraq Mini


Uh oh, who let Crazy Bobby out the resin manufacturing facility? The fumes have sent him bonkers again. Quick, someone call the authorities…

Back TerrainCrate on Kickstarter NOW! Hurry, campaign ends on May 14th.

The post TerrainCrate Kickstarter – check the progress so far! appeared first on Mantic Blog.