Ok Mantic peeps!  We are officially one week from AdeptiCon.  I just wanted to give a shout out to what we got going on this year!

Let’s talk Kings of War.  Thursday sees the return of the Kings of War Team Tournament.  This was a group favorite last year and everyone had fun.  A team of two each plays 1000pt armies.  Last year the Shoemakers took home the gold.  Can they repeat?  Friday we have the first annual historical tournament.  The Kings of War Historical is a brand new book and we wanted to give an outlet to all the historical players out there.  Next is Saturday and the start of the Clash of Kings National tournament.  The day sees players competing in 4 competitive games and finishes on Sunday with the crowning of a new Champion?!

Deadzone is on the plate next.  Now that the Enforcers have such a cool hog of a jetbike, the GCPS decided to trial out the newest sport of Jetbike racing.  4 heats with 8 competitors battle it out, literally, on the new AdeptiCorp Jetbike track.  AdeptiCorp was gracious enough to construct a challenging course for all racers.  The top two winners of all 4 heats will compete in the final to be anointed the AdeptiCorp Jetbike Champion.  The races start Thursday morning. Once all the dust has settled on the track, that brings us to Saturday and the 2nd annual Deadzone tournament and the first official Mantic Deadzone tournament using the new v2 rules.  I’m very excited to see all the armies, their paint jobs and display boards.

Friday will have us playing the last NADC Dreadball tournament before the version two come to fruition. So good luck to all teams as we move forward!

Saturday night we will have Mantic Open Night again!  This event is close to selling out so get your ticket now from the Mantic Webstore!.  Great swag bag includes a limited model, great stuff from Iron Heart Artisans and Outrider Hobbies as well as two drink tickets to whet your whistle at the bar.  Each ticket is worth 1 drink of any kind at the bar.  We will be raffling off prizes as well as an Enforcer Accuser/Persecutor Interceptor.  Be one of the first to get a limited print before the July release of this model.

In case you’ve forgotten, here’s what it looks like!












We will have a small Q&A with Ronnie again so bring your curiosity.  After the Q&A we will have open game.  There will be a Kings of War Siege game, play Deadzone with Ian from the Nerdherders, there will be special Walking Dead 2v2 scenario to play.  Enforcer Jetbikes will make an apperance and there will be open tables to play Dreadball Ultimate, Deadzone vs Jack and Rob form Deadzone the Podcast as well as play a game of Warpath Firefight with Coach and Tyler from The Third Sphere.  Tons to do!

There is a chance that we’ll have some of the Intercetors on the stand to sell so stop by the Mantic Booth and check.

Also at the booth we will have a limited number of Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe dioramas. Do miss out on grabbing this awesome sculpt.











That’s about it. We hope to see you there and at Mantic Open Night.

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