The Third Law: Anatomy of a Machinist Card

Kev has become a bit of a whizz on photoshop recently.  What started out as bits of scrappy handwritten paper, then migrated onto black and white Word documents and into PDF’s, have finally become fully fledged digital assets for The Third Law.  In the video below we are very proud to explore one of the most important resources from our game, the ‘Machinist Card’.

CC Arthur Machinist Card

We are very happy to be at this stage prior to the Kickstarter campaign but it is important to note the card above is a prototype.  As with all good products, we are constantly refining and improving our work to ensure that we deliver the very highest quality.  However, this card does represent just one of the downloadable ‘Print and Play’ resources we will be publishing shortly so you can all start playing The Third Law right out of your printer!

In this short video we take a tour through some of the key abilities of Machinists; how they influence the game and their vital role at the centre of any array.  If you are wondering who the incredibly talented voice over artist is, well, lets just say our Director of Game Design is a multi-talented man 🙂

Very shortly we will be publishing the second of our ‘Anatomy’ series, this time looking at a ‘Wrecker Card’ and how they are used on the battlegrounds of The World After.  As we move closer and closer to the launch of the kickstarter we will guide you through many of the mechanics of the game ready for you to grab the print and play pack and get smashing some metal yourselves.

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Thanks for reading, we’ll be back soon with more updates
