Insider 12-23-2013
The holiday season is in full swing, and there’s still time for Privateer Press Holiday Bundles. I’m always looking for a reason to start a new faction, and what better time to treat myself than now? There’s really only one faction I’ve never played: the Convergence of Cyriss. After deciding to do my part in the Great Work, I gathered up my hobby supplies and got to work!
The image in my head was a perfect clockwork army built with ceramic plates and a bright purple glow emanating from every essence chamber. I also knew I wanted to make a scheme I could replicate quickly and easily as my army grows. And because I know myself well, I knew this wouldn’t be the end of my army. So, I decided to paint the entire army at once, using an assembly-line technique.
I started off by priming the models with Formula P3 black primer, then I fired up my airbrush and gave them all a solid coat of Cold Steel. After that dried, I picked out some choice areas for Rhulic Gold. Once all the metals were laid down, it was back to the airbrush for a quick once-over with some thinned-out P3 armor wash. Normally after this, I’d go back and highlight the metals, but I wanted a fast scheme, so I just left well enough alone, and I’m still pretty happy with the results.
Next, I picked out the areas I envisioned as ceramic plates with ’Jack Bone, and then I did a single-edge highlight with Menoth White Highlight. The only thing left to do was paint some glowing chambers. I picked out the areas that would glow with some watered-down Menoth White Highlight. For my glow color, I mixed Beaten Purple with some Carnal Pink and some P3 Mixing Medium to help my flow. I painted this over the glowing areas, not being too careful about the surrounding areas. After this I picked out a few choice parts of Axis, his paints and the loincloth, and I called these done.
Overall, I am extremely happy with the results, and I got the whole army finished in record time. I never cease to be amazed by how great an army can look with just a few colors. I can’t wait to get these on the table and see what kind of damage they can do! Keep an eye on those convention tables in 2014, and maybe you’ll get to see these in person…
Privateer Press Holiday Sale specials: