The Black Blood Children Kickstarter is now live

It is time, the time of reckoning. The Kickstarter campaign to fund the Black Blood Children faction is running. We would like to stress that this crowdfunding is a real crowdfunding. This means that we are not opening a pre-order period for something we already have, or selling in an easy way a product that we don’t want to offer from our own online store. We want to raise this money to pay the modellers, painters, designers, etc. so these miniatures can become a reality and you can buy all the faction at once. We have been lucky enough to have RN Estudio making a couple of 3D designs in advance, so please put your money in because we have to pay them for that 😉

Render1Render2There are some changes from last year’s campaign. The first obvious one is the change of platform: we have now opted for Kickstarter seeking a wider reach and visibility. Besides, instead of just trying to fund the basic 5-miniature Starter Pack, we will try to release 8 miniatures including a bigger one on a bike so you can have the most complete possible band.


And, of course, with the usual exclusive miniature. Here we present you the evil kitten, Grumpy Pet.

PetAs all our design and concept drawings so far, these have been made by our partner Marco Paraja. A new band with a new look, all with lots of exhausts and no hair.

If this was not enough, the first unlockable stretch goal will be an extra free miniature, the fearsome leader of the Black Blood, Cunnilingus Igni.


We hope you like them and you will help us to fund this faction and make Punkapocalyptic grow. As always in this type of campaigns, the most people putting their money in, the most stretch goals unlocked and the most interesting this will get for everyone. So that’s it, witness and spread the word.


Remember you have more info on our webpage, at our Facebook or on Twitter.
