King & Parliament: The English Civil War

KS Pic 2Gendarme Games’ campaign for new game King & Parliament: The English Civil War 1642-1646 is being unleashed on Kickstarter from 15 June until 15 July.

King & Parliament refights the English Civil War that took place 1642 to 1646. This pike & shot Renaissance conflict is displayed with a hex and counter mechanism. There is a great variety of troop types in the game. There is basic horse, dragoons, and foot units, as well as peculiar and elite units such as the Northern Horse, Cornish Foot, Lifeguards, and Hasselrigg’s thickly armored cuirassiers referred to as “Lobsters.” Even press ganged Levies are available. These troops are bought and paid for with attractive coin counters, with penalties for not paying your troops.

Noteworthy commanders are represented, with holding boxes for leaders of higher rank. The game mechanics are leader driven, with most actions being conducted by them. Each leader has a strategy and battle rating, while some have also have special characteristics peculiar to them such as Impetuous, Financial Resources, Cavalry Commander, etc.

There is a multiple events combination that have a continuous effect on the game. This is provided by both the turn track and by drawing event counters. Event counters are played on locations, leaders, units and at times are deployed by the choice of the drawing player. Event counters can even provide strategic opportunities against your opponent.

Each side has a Battle Deck to add more panache to battle resolution. The number a player per battle will vary depending on their field commander and a die roll. These cards can provide a benefit to you, or a disadvantage to your opponent. Another key aspect is that Scotland is shown on the board. Many games of this conflict focus solely on England and Wales. Here, necessary parts of Scotland are shown to include Montrose’s campaign during the war.