£11.500 Stretch Goal Unlocked: The Alterant’s Tower [A Garden in Hell Kickstarter]


FAITH: A Garden in Hell’s Kickstarter has reached its first stretch goal at the £11.500 mark. Thanks to the achievement, this RPG starter set’s campaign book will have 68 pages and the Alterant’s Tower will feature its own detailed interior map. This tower can be seen in the distance in the first image below and it hosts the headquarters of one of the most powerful enemies in the game: the Alterant. He is only second to the Ravager Queen. You mission is to defeat them.

FAITH: A Garden in Hell is an RPG starter set that sets you straight into the FAITH universe through a easy to pick up card-based system and a hands-on campaign book. The Kickstarter campaign is currently running and is 117% funded with 13 days to go. 


Your team will have to cross the boiling sea to reach the Tower.  This sea consist of floating eggs where the Ravager species are born. The Queen has spawned them in a desperate attempt to save her life.


The Alterant’s Tower will prove one of the main challenges in the game. Each room will feature formidable enemies and secrets that only the bravest will unveil. We suggest extreme caution when entering.


If you are up for an incredible sci-fi adventure, this is the perfect time to back FAITH: A Garden in Hell!
