Deadzone: Starters and Boosters
For the release of 2nd Edition, we’ve repackaged the entire Deadzone range to make it easier and simpler to get into, but keeping the great value. Each set has a wide range of troops and specialist so you can use them to build a variety of balanced forces. The idea is that these all that you need to play games of Deadzone.
The breakdown is simple. A Faction Starter contains a selection of Troops, Specialists and Commanders to get started with a Deadzone Faction. A Faction Booster contains additional units that are rarely found in Strike Teams; Vehicles or elite units, but can still be used to field a Strike Team in their own right.
With reinforcements on the way for each and every faction, these new units will be available through the new sets, from the Asterian Kalyshi to the Enforcer Pathfinders.
Each set gives you everything you need to build your Strike Team in one box (at a great price, too), allowing for a wide variety of builds and playstyles. If you are looking to play in a campaign, the the Faction sets are exactly the right size to field a 500 point campaign army from the Rulebook – so you have everything you need to get started!
Over the next few months, every one of the Factions in the game will have a Faction Starter and Faction Booster released, so if you are on the lookout for your favourites, you won’t have long to wait!
The Enforcer Faction Starter and Booster and the Forge Father Faction Starter and Booster are available to Pre-Order now and will be in all good hobby stores at the end of May!
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