Mantic Open Day May 2016!


On Saturday 21st May Mantic opens its doors once more for the Mantic Open Day! Celebrating the launch of Deadzone 2nd Edition, we’ll be running lads of amazing games and activities, as well as behind the scenes looks at the world of Mantic!


The Mantic store will be open, with stock from all of our ranges, including the brand new Deadzone! Buy three items, get the cheapest for free!


Our Studio will have sneak peaks of up coming models, prototypes, as well as being on hand to answer any questions.


The Leicester Phat Cats will be running two display games – one for Kings of War and one using the Beta rules for Warpath, so you can see the game in action!

MGTSCI03-1 Fortified District Colour

Use our hobby workshop to get tips on building Battlezones for Deadzone and Warpath.


Paint up a Deadzone miniature on the day – entries will be judged at 3.00 PM and prizes awarded for the best models!

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We’ll have loads of demo games running on the day, including the new edition of Deadzone.


Ronnie and the Design team will be running their famous Seminars, fielding questions and spilling the beans on future releases.


Doors open at 10.00 AM. Tickets are available for £9.99 for singles and £29.99 for groups of four, with a show exclusive miniature included! The event will be held at our HQ in Nottingham – you can find our address here.

IMPORTANT NOTICE – We apologise, but unfortunately we won’t be introducing our Brush with Death painting competition at the May Open Day, but keep an eye out for more news on this exciting event in the future.

You can pick up you Open Day tickets here! Don’t forget, each one includes a show exclusive model!

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