Five Reasons to Play Deadzone!


1) It’s Brutal. Your prized Strike Team will be shot to pieces if they step out of cover, but equally, so will the enemy. Snipers line up their shots with care and precision, whilst HMGs lay down supressing fire and missiles strike against the foes’ weaker points.

2) The Story. Enter the Deadzone, a world erased from existence. As you fight amidst the ruins of human cities, each member of your Strike Team will develop their own stories and experiences. Delve deep into the backgrounds of each of the factions in play and their reasons for fighting in the Deadzone

3) Fast-Paced Action! A game can be played in about 45 minutes from start to finish. Each action and turn is quick and easy to understand, but carries a lot of importance. One mistake can cost you heavily, so choose wisely.

4) It’s Fun! Fight in exciting close combats against horrific aliens, or destroy your foes with a hail of bullets and missiles. It’s possible to be thrown off a building by a grenade blast, fall and hit a wall and be damaged by doing so.

5) The Models. Spend time customising your elite Strike Team, using the fantastic range of Deadzone models. They are a pleasure to paint up and you will enjoy making your strike team your own. There’s also our range of modular Battlezones terrain, which you can use in any way you see fit to build the battlefields of the future!

What’s your top 5?


Warpath, Warpath: Firefight and Deadzone all use the same range of sci-fi miniatures – meaning there are three games you can play with them!


The Deadzone 2nd Edition Starter Set, Deadzone 2nd Edition Rulebook, Enforcer Faction Starter and Booster and the Forge Father Faction Starter and Booster are all available to pre-order from all good hobby stores and the Mantic webstore. These will be shipping in May.

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