ADEPTIConnnawwwww…it’s over…

Well here we are post AdeptiCon.  Now that I’ve had sufficient time to recharge the batteries, numb the pain in my knees and feet, and finally get some sleep, we can recap what happened at AdeptiCon 2016.

Thursday saw the first annual Team Tournament.  This was a sold out event with twenty team and forty players. It was a great time and we can’t wait to do it again next year!

Team Tournament













Team Standings:

1st place: Team Varangogurr playing Varangur.  A big shout out to Ashlee Shoemaker for being our youngest female tournament winner!

1st place

















2nd place: Team P.M. playing Elves and Ogres (apologies to Team P.M. photo was lost). Team P.M. is Jerry Paige and Greg Marcotte.

3rd place: Team Zzlurpcast! playing Abyssal Dwarves and Undead.

3rd place

















Best Themed Army: Team Cocked Dice playing Abyssal Dwarfs and Orcs.

Best Themed Army

















Friday had the 4th annual AdeptiCorp Dreadball tournament!  Sixteen coaches from across the country came to battle it out in AdeptiCorp stadium for the title of National Champion!

1st place: David Baker coaching a Mutant team takes home the Blaine!

1st Place













2nd Place: Geoff Burbidge coaching a Mutant Team. Geoff also won Best Painted Team.

2nd Place













3rd Place: Mantic North America’s own Jonny P coaching a Convicts Team.

3rd Place













Most Brutal:  Kris Vezner wins most brutal with the Nameless.

Most Brutal













Fan Favorite: McGuirre Uccello takes home the Fan Favorite award.

Fan Favorite













Plastic (Wooden) Spoon: Zlurpcast own Bryan “Extreme” Mitchell takes home the….utensil.

Plastic Spoon













Saturday had the 4th annual Clash of Kings National Championship with Kara Brown defending her crown.  This was a two day even with close to fifty players.  Congratulations to all the players who came out to play!

1st place: Corey Reynolds commanding a Elves army takes home the Blaine and is this years National Champion!

Corey Reynolds - Champion










2nd place:  Local boy Shannon Shoemaker takes second place this year.  Shannon commanded a Varangur army.

2nd Place










3rd Place: Jon Carter place at the National Championship once again!  This time Jon takes home the third place award.

3rd Place










Best Painted Mantic Army:  Joe Flesch, winner of the best themed army in the team tournament, take home the best painted army this year!

Best Painted Mantic Army










Most Sporting Player:  Big round of applause to Mark Rupp for taking home my favorite award, Most Sporting Player.

Most Sporting










After a long day of game Saturday night kicked off the second annual Mantic Open Night.  This was a very huge event for Mantic in the US with 60+ attendees there to listen to Ronnie Renton’s every word during the Q&A. Mantic North America’s own Chopper and Jonny P were on hand to record the session and should go up hopefully soon for those who couldn’t make it.

After the Q&A open gaming started with games of Dungeon Saga, demos of Deadzone v2 running.  Pathfinder Todd ran a giant Kings of War Monster Battle, and Pathfinder Mike ran a 10,000 point Mega Battle.  A six player, winner takes all, Dreadball tournament took place as well as tons of give aways, door prizes and Ronnie dancing while announcing the raffle winners.  So all in all, Mantic Open Night was a blast and look forward to a bigger room and more people!
Mantic Open NIght












Well that closes the door on another AdeptiCon.  For those of you we saw,met and talked to see you next year.  For those that we didn’t, we hope you had a great time, and we hope to see you next year!



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