Post-Kickstarter Update XI: Zombie Dwarves, LOVies & Trog War Moles…
What. A. Week!
It’s been a good’un!
We’d like to introduce you to Heriberto, our new sculptor, from Mexico – whom has been working on the Zombie Dwarves (bet you forgot about those!) for the Deathless!
He’s an absolute speed-demon, he’s managing to get these miniatures sculpted incredibly quickly, whilst retaining the character of them. He actually started off by following Gregor’s Sketch, then making his own sketches, then going ahead an sculpting them. He’s not finished them all, but the first 5 are ready to show!
As you can see, they have loads of great details that make them look like the shambling mess that they should be! We all think the Deathless are going to shape up to be a truly characterful army.
Victor has also been a busy bee, and has made some progress with our Local Orc Volunteers. Keep in mind that these are quite WIP and there will be changes made to them, but the facial characteristics are all there. 🙂
A number of details will be changed – Don’t panic!
I think you’ll all agree that Victor has done a glorious job thus far. We really cannot wait to see what the whole unit looks like.
Okay, few exciting things here! Last week, we announced the Kret Bitewny (Battle Mole) for the Troglodytes. Well Will, being the efficient bloke he is, has managed to scribble up this masterpiece!
Based on the TKS-Tankette, which characterised the Polish military force in WW2, the Kret Bitewny will bring a further punch to the Troglodyte forces, with some medium firepower, but a terrifying ability to burrow up from underground, just like the Ulani Kret…
Meanwhile, Gregor has been sketching (only very, very roughly, mind you) the first of our Field Marshal Pledger characters!
This is ‘Isla Antonsdottir’… More on her will be revealed once the concept art is completed, but she is a Officer of some description, within the Dwarf army. Steve is working on the background.
3D Printing/Casting:
Anders sent a bunch of 3D prints through, which arrived with Rob yesterday. Rob’s had little opportunity to get these moulded up, but hopes to during this week. He’s apparently got an Orc Fomor cast up, but it’s one of the ‘sticky’ first casts, so doesn’t want to photograph it. Next week should be a big week for casting, if all goes to plan!
As for existing models, Rob’s been able to really push on with getting stock made up. Thing are going really well in that regard!
Pledge Manager:
Don’t worry folks, this hasn’t happened yet. We will make sure to let you all know about this as soon as we can. Craig is still tweaking it and making sure the basics work before loading up all the products. Our aim is to have pictures of as much as we can, to aid selecting your Sections, Sets and Characters. We know it can be very hard choosing stuff just from names – especially when they are in totally different languages!
To whet your appetite, here is the first sneaky preview of our sixth faction, the Skøgtrolls of Skøgmark. Now, there has been some confusion here, these guys are Forest Trolls and they represent the ‘Norwegians’ of Panzerfäuste. They are few and far between and not particularly well equipped compared to the invading Dwarves, but they are hardy fighters indeed. There will be other ‘Troll’ races in Panzerfäuste in the future, representing other Scandinavian countries.
Speaking of Craig, Craig is also the webmaster for Orcs in the Webbe. He’s running a funding drive this year, to keep the website going. In recent years, he’s had to fund the whole thing himself, even though it is a key part of the Historo-Fantasy Wargaming community AND acts as a major advertising platform for like-minded businesses.
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