Play Great Games: Kings of War Organised Play Is Here!

The passion for Kings of War and Mantica is so high at the moment and there are more games and tournament being played than ever before.

We want to support and continue this momentum by helping you run these events, so we’ve worked with the community to put together the Mantic Games Organised Play programme.


The Organised Play home page lists a series of downloads, including tournament score sheets, event posters and rules packs for you to print off.

This first level of support is totally free for you to use.

Beyond that there are also physical packs that retailers, clubs and gaming groups can purchase for a small fee, just to help cover our costs.

Kings of War

Tournament Packs

There are two levels of tournament pack depending on how many players are in your event, and each includes a printed Organiser’s Guide, certificates and promotional poster.

This pack also includes prizes for participants, including exclusive Kings of War Art Prints featuring the legendary necromancer Mortibris leading an Undead and Abyssal horde into battle for every player.

And the big one even includes a Golden Blaine Trophy!


Winter’s Flood Campaign Pack

‘With the sudden ending of the Winter’s Age of Ice, the northern plains of Mantica have been flooded, creating islands that the various races must fight for, to ensure their own survival.’

You’ll see Mortibris leading our campaign supplement book Destiny of Kings in February next year, but as part of our organized play programme we’ve also devised a map-based system called Winter’s Flood.

You can download the rules pack from the organized play home page, or get a printed version along with a printed map of the islands, plus certificates, promotional posters and prize support in our Kings of War Campaign Pack.


Playing games is such an important part of our hobby, and retailers are the lifeblood of Mantic Games. With these kits we hope that you can keep playing great games!

Look out for Dungeon Saga in-store and gaming club support coming very soon.

Please let us know what you’d like to see as part of the organised play programme in the comments.

The post Play Great Games: Kings of War Organised Play Is Here! appeared first on Mantic Blog.