Who wants a ninja or two for Xmas?


Yuto – Kage Kaze Zoku

Yuto relished and excelled in training involving the use of a range of equipment, he believes that often some well-placed caltrops to thwart pursuers attempts to catch him or his squad or a smoke bomb to throw off their senses can change the course of a mission. His successful string of missions suggests there may be something to his claims. It is certain that members of any squad he is part of are glad to have him and his carefully selected assortment of items along with them.


Yuto and the rest of the Shadow Wind Clan are available for Pre-Order get yours HERE now! They will go on general sale on December 7th. Custom dice and a SWC Special Card Pack is also available.

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Go to the store now

Daffcon 2016

Bushido will be returning to Firestorm Games with the return of the Jwardiff tournament, it’s always a great event and really well run so if you want to get in on the action you can find more details HERE.

Wave 27

Be sure to tune in to the next blog update as we begin to reveal the cast of Wave 27.