Ogre Hunters

Ogre society is more complex than outsiders often realise, governed by a strict hierarchy based on martial skill and respect, far more sophisticated than the savagery of the Orc. For a nomadic people such as Ogres, skill at the hunt is just as important as skill in battle. Hunting requires not only strength of body and feats of arms, but cunning, intelligence and fieldcraft. Hunters are greatly respected within their tribes, possessing a variety of finely honed skills passed from one generation to the next. These skills also transfer well on to the battlefield, allowing them to set traps, ambush the foe, and target the monstrous mounts and minions of their enemies, or equally drive their own bestial charges before them into the fray.


If being fast, strong and resilient isn’t enough, Ogre Hunters are masters of the wilderness.

In addition to their Me 3+ Crushing Strength (1) attacks, Ogre Hunters have the Pathfinder and Ensnare special rules – that means that suffer no movement penalties for difficult terrain, are not Hindered for charging through difficult terrain, and enemy suffer an additional -1 to hit this unit in melee when attacking in the front.

Ogre-HuntersHow will you use them in your Ogre Army?

The Ogre Hunters follow in the footsteps in last months Berserker Braves and Warlock, all of which are great additions to the Ogre Army Sets that include all of your core troops.


We’ve also put together an Ogre Chariot Regiment so you can add those to your force too, including new metal arms for the chariot driver, and a standard!

Where most races field chariots crewed by a pair of warriors, one controlling the beasts drawing the chariot while the other fights, Ogres’ size and bulk means that this would be impractical. A single Ogre rides in each chariot, the reins of the Gores clutched in one meaty paw while a massive spear or axe swings from the other. In truth, Ogres think of Chariots more as a way to get at the enemy quickly than a weapon in and of themselves, though the end result is much the same. A charge from a regiment of these war machines is very often the last sight seen by anyone who receives it.


Download: Try before you play? Download the Kings of War Core Rules and Ogre Starter List here.

Participate: Let us know what you think about the Ogre Hunters, and which army you’ll be playing in Kings of War!

Pre-order: The Ogre Hunters and Ogre Chariot Regiment are both now available to pre-order from your local hobby store and the Mantic Webstore. It will begin shipping from the 23rd November.

Check out the entire Ogre range here.

The post Ogre Hunters appeared first on Mantic Blog.