Kings of War: Uncharted Empires Now Available To Pre-Order

Mantica is a rich open world of swords and sorcery, where battles rage across the land and mighty generals seek to save their people from the slaughter, or conquer the world.

Kings of War: Uncharted Empires is an army supplement book that explores nine never-before-seen factions in Mantica, each with their own history, and dedicated Force List that allows you to play this army in Kings of War, should you have suitable miniatures to represent a force.


Kings of War: Uncharted Empires Force Lists

Written by Matt Gilbert and the Kings of War Rules Committee – a team of volunteer gamers from the community – Kings of War: Uncharted Empires has had extensive playtesting to make these armies fun, balanced and tournament legal.

Featuring nine Force Lists including Ratkin and Salamander Armies, two new human factions (The Brotherhood and Varangur), two new Undead themed lists, two surprise lists (can anyone guess what The Trident Realms of Neritica are? :p) and more!


How Do I Get Kings of War: Uncharted Empires?

The Kings of War: Uncharted Empires army supplement book is now available to pre-order as a standalone release from your friendly local gaming store and the Mantic Website, and will begin shipping in November.

There is also the enhanced Uncharted Empires Digital Edition from Mantic Digital, with a quick-search glossary and header search for flicking between sections. It works on a range of devices, including Apple, Android, Nook and Kindle, and is kept up to date with FAQs and errata. Take Kings of War: Uncharted Empires with you wherever you go – pre-order it now and it’ll download to your Mantic Digital account automatically on the 23rd November.


If you are new to Kings of War, you should consider the Armies of Mantica Collection. As well as the Uncharted Empires book you will also get the lavish hardback Kings of War 2nd Edition Rulebook and a tabletop-friendly Kings of War 2nd Edition Gamer’s Edition Rulebook, saving you over £10 on purchasing the books separately!

This collection will give you all the rules you need to play the game and a combined 20 Force Lists, with all of the art, photography and background to bring these armies to life. Awesome!

Let us know if you’ll be getting Uncharted Armies and which list you are most looking forward to in the comments!

The post Kings of War: Uncharted Empires Now Available To Pre-Order appeared first on Mantic Blog.