Free DreadBall Book in June

The DreadBall Xtreme Player Manual is a new 80-page full colour expansion book for DreadBall Xtreme.

It has one aim: to allow you to play Xtreme with any DreadBall Player. This means you can:

Play Xtreme with any DreadBall team

The Player Manual includes a detailed section at the back of the book that includes all of the stats and rules needed to play any DreadBall team in Xtreme.

We are giving away a free copy of the DreadBall Xtreme Player Manual with every copy of DreadBall Xtreme ordered in June. We’ll also be making this section available for free download.


Build a team from any DreadBall player:

The starting point for building your own bespoke team is the Sponsor, and the Player Manual includes rules for six unique characters:
– Blaine
– Warden Rasulov
– Rathmar
– Kraato Gon
– The Shojuun
– Dr Kain

Each of these characters has their own personalities and preferences on which type or race of player they’d include in their DreadBall team.
In gameplay terms, a player a Sponsor favours or has more in common with will be cheaper to purchase in MC than a player they haven’t.


Blaine and the Warden are included in the DreadBall Xtreme boxed game, whilst these four will be available in a boxed set released in July.

Much like in the schoolyard where everyone lines up against a wall and the two captains pick who they want, DreadBall Sponsors can purchase their team from every type of DreadBall player we’ve created, including Giants and MVPs.

If you wanted, every single player in your team could be different…

Building a custom team is a concept that’s present in the DreadBall Xtreme boxed game, though it’s deliberately limited so that you can learn the ropes of choosing between Convicts, Kalyshi and Free Agents. With the Player Manual, you can exploit the full concept.


If there’s any questions on the DreadBall Player Manual, drop them below. And why not let us know which bit you’re more excited for when it comes to the Player Manual: the new sponsors, building your own DreadBall team or playing any DreadBall team in Xtreme.

Not got the game yet? Order it here and claim your DreadBall Player Manual.