Adepticon Wrap Up 2015!!!!

WHEW!!!  What an amazing weekend!  This is by far one of the busiest Adepticons we’ve had so far.  Everywhere I turned there was something Mantic going on.  From the dealer booth meeting customers new and old to all the demo events and tournaments we had going on.


Wednesday was a full day of setting up the new booth that Joe Neet designed and it was packed with all Mantic goodies from all things Mars Attack to ridiculous deals on Battlezone Terrain which could stay on the shelves.  Not only that, we had an awesome Mars Attack display courtesy of Mel the Terrain Tutor and a Battlezone landing pad put together by Bill Foreman.  On the other side we had painter extradinaire Rob Chandler putting together and painting Battlezone terrain and answering questions that people had on getting their awesome terrain boxes going.



White House by the Terrain Tutor.  Models by Rob Chandler.

White House by the Terrain Tutor. Models by Rob Chandler.

Battlezone Landing Pad

Battlezone Landing Pad

Thursday we had the 4th Annual Clash of Kings North America Championships!  18 contestants signed up to battle for the title of North American Champion.  Congratulations to Kara Brown for taking home the prize! This to date is the largest Kings of War tournament in North America. This thing gets bigger every year and I look forward to next year!  With more and more armies coming out, I can’t wait to see what pops up on the tables.


Todd Warren and David Boll. Clash of Kings!


Friday was our 3rd annual Adepticorp Cup Dreadball tournament.  This event had 18 participants but was truly representative of North America as there were a handful of Canadians controlling the pitch.  Congratulations to Anthony Sarlo for winning the first Blaine Trophy in North America and for keeping it in Chicago!

The big news for Dreadball is the announcement of the NADBC.  North American Dreadball Circuit.  More on that to come in the next couple of days!


Kevin Lemieux and Guy Sodin 1st round of the Dreadball Tournament


Friday night had us at Geek Nation Tours for their Industry Night.  After a nice dinner, Ronnie had a nice presentation on the start of Mantic and the direction on where Mantic is heading to next.  Let me just say, that I am super excited as to what is coming in the next year or two.  After dinner, all the Geek Nation Tour participants got a chance to play some games of Dreadball Extreme, Dreadball and Deadzone with Mantic Pathfinders.  Hats off to the greatest set of volunteers I know.


On Saturday we had our 1st annual Deadzone tournament.  This also was a very big surprise with an amazing 14 participants in a very first tournament for this gaming system.  7 table of awesome Battlzone terrain and 14 very blood thirsty commanders fought square after square for the 1st annual Deadzone Champion plaque designed by Alex Landing at Ironheart Artisans.  This plaque was spectacular and congratulations to Coach Jashyn for winning it!


Jon Carter and Lee Montgomery playing Deadzone: The Tournament

Videos of the number 1 table were filmed and will be popping up on the Youtube channel shortly of all 3 tournaments.

Here are the winners of the tournaments

Clash of King 2015

Champion:  Kara Brown (Basileans)

2nd Place:  Andrew Sherman (Kingdoms of Men)

3rd Place: David Boll (Dwarfs)

Best Painted: Jon Carter (Undead)

Best Character: Rob Phaneuf (Undead)

Best War Engine: Shannon Shoemaker (Goblins)


Kara Brown and Ronnie. Clash of Kings Champion!


Champion: Anthony Sarlo (Void Sirens)

2nd Place: David Baker (Hobgoblins)

3rd Place: John Jack (Unicorporated)

Best Painted: Geoff Burbidge (Sphyr)

Fan Favorite: Kevin Lemieux-Gagnion (Corporation)

Most Brutal: Jon Carter (Teraton)


Anthony Sarlo and Community Pat and the 1st North American Blaine Trohpy


Champion: Coach Jashyn (Forge Fathers)

Best Tactician: Jonny P (Plague)

Steadfast Award (Sportsmanship): Zack Mcleod (Enforcers)

Blaine Award (Most Kills): Eric Newell

Deadzone Winner

Coach and Ronnie. 1st place Deadzone: The Tournament

If I’ve forgotten anyone I apologize.  Please leave a comment and I’ll get you posted up!


Saturday night then saw us having our very first Mantic Night which will hopefully turn into a Mantic Day for North America.  A bunch of people came out to ask questions and hear what Ronnie had to say.  If you missed out don’t despair, Jonny P and Chopper of Mantic North America podcast recorded the latest installment of the podcast and included a recording of the Q&A.  This should be up hopefully soon.

Q&A at Mantic Night

Q&A with Ronnie during Mantic Open Night


After the Q&A session started the gaming session of the night.  First was a Kings of War MegaBattle run by Pathfinder Mike Carter. After a grueling battle, the Forces of Good prevailed and cast the Forces of Evil back into the pit whence they came!


Kings of War Mega Battle!


Across the way saw some Martians trying to stop Easter and kill the Easter bunny.  With some great tactics and perseverance the Marines were able to stop the Martians, save the Easter Bunny and not break an Easter Egg.

Next was Deadzone: Zombie Apocalypse!  5 seperate Deadzone heroes who have no business working together, band together to get off the planet teeming with Plague 3z’s.  This awesome scenario written by Joe Neet utilizes the A.S. (artificial stupidity) rules from Contagion and 40 zombies.  The first group were not as fortunate as the second group to run it.  Good times!


Deadzone: Zombie Apocalypse!


Jane’s Gully was revisited with a squads of Enforcers, Rebels, Marauders and Plague fighting over the abandoned mining town.  After the dust settled, the Plague have tightened their filthy claws on the mining town and will make it that harder for the Rebels, Enforcers and Marauders to get back in and grab the shipment of precious metals.

Jane's Gully!

Jane’s Gully!


The big game of the night was Mechzone!  A gigantic Strider vs Strider battle that played out over 4 mats worth of terrain.  The game wasn’t only just limited to Striders, but Iron Ancestors and Stuntbots showed up in the mechanical gladiatorial battle.  There was much yelling and trash talking going on with Deadzone the Podcast’s own Rob Harper going out as the first mech destroyed.  One has wonder where his podcast partner Jack Fyke was?  At the end it came down to the two Iron Ancestor pilots duking it out with Jose Mata finishing Brian Thompson’s pilot!



If you’d like to play here is a link to the rules:

Sunday found us selling the last of the terrain and fighting off the Convention Crud that took over some of us.  There was a mad rush of out of towners getting packed up and on the road before the snow hit.  Some were not so lucky on Monday.

Anyways, another Adepticon down and much fun was had by all.  I personally am going to finish this up and the get some more rest as being this busy does take it out of you J.  See everyone at Gen Con next!